COVID-19 and the Employee Experience: Why It’s Vital For Businesses

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Mark your calendar on 25th August 2021 (Wednesday) at 3:00 PM as we deep dive into the topic, 'COVID-19 and the Employee Experience: Why It's Vital For Businesses.'

Events Brief

Ready for our next webinar?

Mark your calendar on 25th August 2021 (Wednesday) at 3:00 PM as we deep dive into the topic, ‘COVID-19 and the Employee Experience: Why It’s Vital For Businesses.’

Employee experience is something that must be woven throughout the organisation if the benefits are to be earned – and sustained throughout the employee life cycle. In this session, our panellists will share insights into why you should factor in employee experience and how it can help increase your profit up to 4X.

RSVP your attendance to make sure you don’t miss it!
#MyNHRC #employeeexperience

25 August 2021
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