Work From Home – Employment Issues and Challenges

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The COVID-19 global pandemic has swept the globe and prompted numerous governments to implement varying degrees of lockdown measures.​

Events Brief

The COVID-19 global pandemic has swept the globe and prompted numerous governments to implement varying degrees of lockdown measures.​

Here in Malaysia, the Movement Control Order (‘MCO’) was enforced, effectively halting economic activities. Since the MCO, the term #WorkFromHome’ (‘WFH’) has been bandied about a lot, and some have gone so far as to suggest that employees can WFH indefinitely. However, the MCO and WFH also have their fair share of difficulties and concerns

Join us for our next NHRC webinar on 10th November 2021 (Wednesday) at 3:00 PM as we tackle the topic of ‘Work From Home – Employment Issues and Challenges’.

RSVP your attendance to make sure you don’t miss it!​​

#MyNHRC #HumanResource #Employment

10 November 2021
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Events Brief