Policy Insights: Flexible Work Arrangement

Policy Planning on Flexible Working Arrangements (FWA)


Flexible working arrangements (FWA), as an effort to achieve a balance between work and personal (family) life, has been a key area of concern in world labour policies since the early 2000s. One factor contributing to this trend is the implicit assumption that implementing a Flexible working arrangements policy increases people’s life satisfaction.

Various studies of flexible working arrangements found that organisational and personal initiatives intended to improve individuals’ ability to balance work and non-work roles may increase not only satisfaction with work-life balance but also general life satisfaction, which would contribute to the higher quality of life including mental health as well as overall health care costs.



Working from home has become the new norm for many organisations, which presented as a unique challenge for Malaysian employers and employees – the National Human Resource Centre (NHRC) had stepped forward to carry out a study on Policy Planning for Flexible Working Arrangements in Malaysia to highlight the importance of developing a new labour policy and potentially amend the current legislation to accommodate such policy.
For the purpose of the study, the primary data had been gathered through the survey and Focus Group Discussion to understand further the issues and challenges in implementing Flexible Working Arrangements in Malaysia.



Final report of the study is now completed. Scroll down to the end of this webpage to download a copy. 


Highlight the importance of developing a new labour policy and potentially amend current legislations to accommodate such policy.


Initiate research and provide insight and support to policymakers and practitioners in Malaysia.


Encourages adoption to the flexible working environment & ensuring effective business operation throughout the nation.

Effective business operation

Helps to foster organisation & national productivity.


Increases employability by attracting & retaining talent through a supportive environment.


Encouraging conducive working environment & harmonious industrial relations.

Harmonious industrial relations

Focusing on the aspect of occupational safety & health for the flexible working arrangement.

Occupational health and safety

Overall Approach of FWA Study


Issues Identification &
Solution Hypothesis


International &
Local Benchmarking


Public Survey &
Focus Group Discussion


Final Report Preparation

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